about us

forsuperrich.website is the luxury marketplace that advertises a selection of the most unique and expensive products across 6 categories.

We have created global partnerships and work exclusively with a network of professional sellers. We have decided on a reduced number of high-end Sellers to the elite for that very reason. Ultimate quality is our highest priority, which means we have chosen them based on their reputation and expertise.

Our mission is to connect UHNWI, HNWI buyers and sellers through our website.

forsuperrich.website is the "Niche de la Niche" of luxury marketplaces.

A member of our team has approved each product item showcased for sale on our website to ensure and meet our quality control and policy. We focus on quality and not on an unlimited number of classified ads.

We are dedicated to help our clients find the best and most unique Supercars, Superyachts, Private Jets, Real Estate… and also develop and increase the sales of our partners' Elite Sellers. Our vision and approach are different and more profound than the other luxury marketplaces.

You won't waste time with unnecessary categories or products which don't meet our criteria. We also designed a straightforward and easy-to-use website, free of adverts, pop-ups, disclaimers, newsletters sign-up, registers.

We have checked every detail and functionality of our website to ensure all features and specifications are perfectly correct and working.

We decided to create this website because there was a lack of quality control from other marketplaces that focus on the daily traffic quantity or/and unique visitors.

We believe this is the wrong approach to lavish and super-luxury. How many people wake up in the morning and decide to buy a superyacht for $65,000,000 or a supercar for $1,000,000?

Also, we decided not to mix accessories with a beachfront house or a private jet.

Our vision is not to mix or merge clients from different social classes. Super-rich people want and deserve a unique treatment and approach.

forsuperrich.website is proud to say it’s not for everyone and we don’t want to target people who cannot afford to buy the products displayed on our website.

Our dress code is only FOR SUPER RICH.

About the company:
Eric Poirier Owner & Founder forsuperrich.website

FOR SUPER RICH (English version) "LTD" / POUR SUPER RICHE (French version) "LTÉE"

Is founded and owned by ERIC POIRIER (born in France, on the French Riviera, with both French and Canadian citizenship).

Our company FOR SUPER RICH Ltd is a provincial Québécoise company limited, registered under the number: 1173988974 to the provincial law of the province of Québec, CANADA.

For more information please visit: http://www.registreentreprises.gouv.qc.ca/en/monbureau/

Company Taxes Provincial “TPS”: 731829487 RT 0001 / Company Taxes Federal “TVQ”: 1225990308 TQ 0001

Our main place of business is at: 2000 McGILL College Avenue, suite 600. Montréal H3A 3H3, QC Canada

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to Contact US: